Compentent Learner Model

The Competent Learner Model (CLM) is a team-based professional development program that includes tools and processes to build a bridge of consistency across all intervention efforts, contexts, and team members. All components of the program are theoretically grounded in and designed with empirically validated methods from Applied Behavior Analysis, Direct Instruction, Precision Teaching, personalized System of Instruction, Instructional Coaching, and Implementation Science. The seven divisions of SVRP have implemented the Competent Learner Model for the last decade. Based on the identified needs and vision for the special education, each division uses the model in various capacities. SVRP has 50 special education classrooms implementing the model. Additionally, the model is also being used for tiered intervention support for individual and small group student behavioral programming. 

We have four division lead coaches, nine certified CLM coaches, and 23 coaches in training. Additionally, we have over 250 staff members implementing the Competent Learner Model throughout the region. Thank you to all stakeholders (special education directors, principals, teachers, instructional assistants, and related service providers) for the collaboration, support, and time dedicated to this initiative so that all students can be as successful as possible. 

CLM Information

The CLM Center of Excellence is a division of Tucci Learning Solutions. Interested in ongoing professional development or learning more about the Competent Learner Model and our staff? The following links can help. 

CLM Team

Kristina Zaccaria

Kristina Zaccaria, CLM Regional Coordinator

Regional CLM Coaches

Regional CLM Coaches

Julie Neese Whitaker (Shenandoah), (Page), Gail Schnider (Harrisonburg), and Elizabeth Irvin (Page)