Dental Insurance Benefit

Carrier: United Concordia
Customer Service Phone: 800.332.0366
Visit the United Concordia Website 

The school board offers a voluntary dental plan. Contracted employees that work 30 or more hours per week are eligible to participate. The plan offered is optional with employees paying the entire cost of coverage for themselves or eligible dependents.   

United Concordia is the carrier for dental coverage. Coverages offered include a Low Option and High Option plan. Details for each plan can be found in the table shown below. 


Monthly Premiums

United Concordia Dental



Employee Only



Employee +Child



Employee +Children



Employee +Spouse






The High Plan under United Concordia does NOT have a one year waiting period for major services including orthdontia.

Monthly premiums are automatically deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis unless you indicate otherwise by signing a Premium Conversion Waiver Form at the time of application or during annual open enrollment.