Health Insurance Benefit

Anthem is our medical and prescription carrier for the 2024 plan year. Please review the Summary of Benefits for plan details. 

For Summary of Benefits, click on the links below:

Premium Information

Monthly premiums will the same. 100% of the Low PPO Plan "Employee-Only" premium will be covered for current enrolled employees.

Anthem Low PPO Plan

Coverage Tier

Employer Monthly Cost

Employee Monthly Cost

Total Premium

Employee Only




Employee - One Child




Employee - Children




Employee - Spouse




Employee - Family




Anthem High PPO Plan

For employees currently enrolled and grandfathered in the PPO High Plan, your premiums rates will remain the same.

**NOTE: Children can be enrolled in your health insurance plan until they turn 26, at the end of the calendar year. 


Employees who elect health insurance for their spouse must complete a spousal mandate affidavit during the enrollment process. If a working spouse has access to affordable group health insurance coverage through his/her employer, they must accept their own insurance rather than join the Augusta County Public School's plan.


A job-based health plan covering only the employee that costs 9.61% or less of the employee’s household income. If a job-based plan is “affordable,” and meets the “minimum value” standard, you're not eligible for a premium tax credit if you buy a Marketplace insurance plan instead. 

  • The plan used to define affordability is the lowest priced “self-only” plan the employer offers — meaning a plan covering only the employee, not dependents. This is true even if you’re enrolled in a plan that costs more or covers dependents.

  • The cost is the amount the employee would pay for the insurance, not the plan’s total premium.

  • The employee’s total household income is used. Total household income includes income from everybody in the household who’s required to file a tax return.

EXAMPLE: Employee’s monthly household income = $4,083 (about $49,000 per year)

  • 9.61% of the employee’s monthly household income = $392

  • Monthly cost to the employee of the lowest-priced plan the employer offers for self-only coverage = $300

  • Is the plan affordable? YES. The employee’s share of the lowest cost self-only plan ($300) is less than 9.61% of the employee’s household income ($392).